The latest television spot for the upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp asks the question on every fan’s lips: where was Ant-Man during Avengers 3?
From the time the very first teaser for Avengers : Infinity War arrived online until well after the film had opened to record-breaking numbers, fans seemed obsessed with one question:
Where was Ant-Man and the Wasp during the events in Infinity War?
The lack of Hawkeye appearing in any of the trailers or the movie itself was poured over in microscopic detail by every geek site on the web. But many fans were equally unhappy that Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne were nowhere to be found in the movie.
Many assumed that it had something to do with Ant-Man and the Wasp, which was set to open in theaters only a few months after Infinity War. It is generally understood that the sequel takes place during the two years in between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Infinity War, so if answers were to be found, it’s most likely to be found there.
But that didn’t stop the question: Where was the Ant-Man during Infinity War?
So of course, Marvel decided to have a bit of fun at their fanbase’s expense with the latest television spot to be released for Ant-Man and the Wasp.
The commercial is spot on in terms of nailing the tone the film is going for, namely something a bit more comedic. Which is the Marvel Cinematic Universe could use more of after the doom and gloom that was the ending of Infinity War.
When it was first revealed that Ant-Man and the Wasp would open right after Avengers: Infinity War and before Avengers 4, it left many people scratching their heads. Why would Marvel Studios open what they are calling a superhero romantic comedy immediately after what was sure to be a momentous and dramatic beginning of the end for the MCU?
After seeing Infinity War and how that film ended, it now makes perfect sense.
It’s also important to make sure that films like Ant-Man and the Wasp still have a place in a shared universe like the MCU. Not every film should be epic in scope and full of over the top spectacle like Civil War or Black Panther. There still needs to be room for smaller, more character driven movies like Spider-Man: Homecoming and yes, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
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It also goes without saying that in addition to all that, Ant-Man and the Wasp will undoubtedly reveal what part the duo may play in next summer’s Avengers 4. Which is something every fan will be wondering as they enter the theater when the movie opens in cineplexes everywhere on July 6, 2018.
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