Flash Solo Movie To Finally Start Filming In 2019

Warner Bros.

Thanks to the shake-up at the top of the DCEU, the Flash solo film is again a priority for Warner Bros. and will apparently have a very different tone.

The past few weeks have pretty big for the DC Extended Universe. It has seen Diane Nelson leave DC Entertainment altogether and Geoff Johns step down from his position as Chief Creative Officer to focus more on writing and producing.

In their wake comes Walter Hamada, who was named as the president of the Warner Bros. DC movie division back in January and now takes firm control of the future of the DC film universe.

Word is that Hamada has already taken an extensive look at the slate of films in the pipeline and has made some hard decisions, putting some on the back burner and making others a priority for the studio. Even the name “DC Extended Universe”, which many fans have never warmed to, might be dropped in favor fo something new.

One of the films reportedly being moved up on the production schedule is The Flash, but not before it once again goes through some extensive changes.

By now most fans are well aware of the problems that have plagued the Flash solo movie almost from the moment it was announced. Directors, scripts and storylines almost changed weekly, with the only two constants being that it would adapt the Flashpoint storyline from the comics and that it would star Ezra Miller.

However, it looks like one of those is no longer true.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Flashpoint will no longer serve as the inspiration for the film’s script. One of the first things Hamada did when he came on board was decide that the somber and depressing undertones that the DCEU has become known for had to go. Considering Flashpoint is a pretty dark chapter in the history of the character, it isn’t surprising that it had to be jettisoned in favor of something a bit lighter.

Something more like Back to the Future evidently.

THR is reporting that the classic Back to the Future trilogy will serve as a “touchstone” for the film. Looking to the story of Marty McFly for inspiration was apparently the plan ever since John Francis Daly and Jonathan Goldstein joined the production as directors in March. Now with Hamada in charge, they have been given the green light to proceed.

What does this mean for Flash? Who knows at this point. But it seems a safe bet that it will include time travel and a good dose of comedy added to the traditional superhero tropes included in these films.

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Given Miller’s performance in Justice League and that he was one of the only consistently good and entertaining parts of that movie, no one is likely going to say this is a bad idea.

Right now Warner Bros. is looking to get Flash in front of the cameras by early 2019. At this point it doesn’t have a release date, which according to THR is also just fine with Hamada.

Check back with Fantinuum for more information about the Flash film as it develops.

About David Goodman 86 Articles
David has been a geek ever since he saw Star Wars when he was 7 and his Mom bought him his very first action figure. He is a fan of all things geeky, including (but not limited to) Star Wars, comics, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and many more. He is also a huge Philadelphia 76ers fan, so go figure.

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