With endearing homages and side-splitting laughs, The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special DVD delivers one of the funniest parodies of an iconic property.
When we hear the word “parody,” we get the immediate notion that something is being laughed at. But when the owners of said property point out and emphasize their own ridiculousness, parody becomes elevated to the level of genius. The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who’s Walking DVD presents us with Robot Chicken‘s usual wild and wacky humor, and inserts some very heartwarming homages that play on the level of Easter eggs and trivia.
It’s very difficult to review this special as I’m one of those storytellers who reenacts scenes to my friends—which means spoilers will be leaked. What I can say is that the cast and crew of Robot Chicken seem to have mind-reading abilities because they call out everything audiences have been pondering for The Walking Dead. With the original actors from the game-changing AMC zombie phenomenon playing their own characters, the parody’s perfection can only be expressed with a fingertip kiss.

Yes, it’s wall-to-wall silliness with some very fun callbacks to our childhoods (well, to my childhood at least). I found myself rewinding some portions of it because I was laughing out loud and missed some “crucial” scenes. It’s the type of humor that can only be done by people who love and understand the property.
As with all DVD and Blu-ray releases, an added bonus is the special features. If you thought the main episode was hilarious, the special features up the ante even more. A behind-the-scenes featurette takes fans into the studio to see where all the magic happens. Interviews with Robot Chicken creator Seth Green reveal his fanboy side which explains why the hilarious homages resonate so well with audiences.

And let’s not forget about the notorious “deleted scenes” that are prevalent in all special features sections. Here, they’re called “deleted sketches”—ones that only made it to the storyboard phase. Embellished with Seth Green’s and the cast’s voicework, viewers get a taste of what didn’t make it in editing. After viewing these, you realize just how difficult this team’s job can be, as some of the sketches are just as equally hilarious as the eventual product. They really had to harden up their hearts and be ruthless for the final cut.
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The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who’s Talking DVD is an essential item for any The Walking Dead or Robot Chicken fan. Chock full of references and inside jokes, the episode is not so much an observed artistic endeavor, but more of a fun time with a group of friends clowning around.
The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who’s Walking Blu-ray and DVD will be released on March 27, 2018 and will retail for $18.94 SRP and $14.97 SRP, respectively.
In anticipation of the DVD special, Adult Swim will release the The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who’s Walking soundtrack on Friday, March 23 featuring four tracks from the special. The digital album will be available for purchase in digital music stores including iTunes, Google Play and Amazon, as well as on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Tidal, Pandora and others.
Disclosure: The Fanboy Review was provided with a free copy for the purposes of this review.
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